May Update

Dear friends, 

At the end of this week, many of us will watch something we have never witnessed before - the coronation of a Monarch in the United Kingdom. On this occasion there will no doubt be pageantry, ceremony and homage surrounding the newly crowned King Charles III, the like of which we may have never witnessed before. If the ceremony follows tradition, even the closest relatives, wife, son, siblings will kneel or bow in submission to the new king in recognition of his authority. This is no doubt, an important occasion, but it is worth remembering that even the grandest of monarchs still must bow the knee to One other.

In this context, I find Keith & Kristen Getty's beautiful song 'There is a higher throne' really helpful. It is one of my favourite worship songs, so that no doubt helps, but it lifts our imagination from even the most splendid things of earth to the marvellous sights and sounds that await us in heaven. It sets our 'minds on things above' (Col 3:2) and reminds us of the One who demands and deserves our full loyalty and adoration.

I hope and pray that you enjoy the coronation and its associated festivities - do note the opportunity below to join with All Souls Orchestra at a special coronation Prom Praise from the comfort of your living room or computer screen - I pray too for a long and blessed reign for our new King, Charles III, but above all, as we marvel at these special occasions, may we be drawn to consider the majesty and splendour of the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords, whose name is Jesus Christ.

With love,  


There is a higher throne
Than all this world has known
Where faithful ones from ev'ry tongue
Will one day come
Before the Son we'll stand
Made faultless through the Lamb
Believing hearts find promised grace
Salvation comes

Hear heaven's voices sing
Their thund'rous anthem rings
Through em'rald courts and sapphire skies
Their praises rise
All glory wisdom pow'r
Strength thanks and honour are
To God our King who reigns on high
Forever more

And there we'll find our home
Our life before the throne
We'll honour Him in perfect song
Where we belong
He'll wipe each tear-stained eye
As thirst and hunger die
The Lamb becomes our Shepherd King
We'll reign with Him

CCLI Song # 3994672 Keith Getty | Kristyn Getty © 2002 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Integrity Music Ltd CCLI Licence No. 303


June Update


April Update